

education, Personal

Katelyn James Workshop Recap

I am a strong believer in “practicing what I preach” especially when it comes to running a business, and today I’m sharing a short recap of my time at the Katelyn James workshop I was lucky enough to attend! I attended this workshop months ago, and have been swamped since I got home, but I […]

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education, for photographers

Putting People Before Contracts

People Over Contracts- Always. I may get a little bit of backlash from this post (or hopefully not) but it has been on my heart for a while now to share it, so here goes! (disclaimer: we all run our businesses differently- this is solely my opinion, and how I choose to run my own […]

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education, for photographers

Honeybook Review | get back more time

A while ago I wrote a blog post about staying organized and creating a schedule that helped get more of your time back and to keep you on track with your workload. I had no idea how many people would respond so well to that post, so I am trying to share as many tips […]

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education, Personal

Charleston Photography Retreat | Hope Taylor Photography

I was hours late and I did not look cute. After a 6 hour delay at DFW airport, where my hair products and makeup were already checked and out of reach, I said goodbye to my usual comfort of arriving somewhere early to get dolled up in the bathroom so I would look my best […]

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education, for photographers, Personal

Reclaiming Your Time: how I created a schedule that optimized my time and increased my efficiency

I’m the girl who would wake up when my husband woke up to go to work, make a cup of coffee, and work until he came home ten hours later. Then I would break for dinner, grab my laptop, and get in bed and work until I went to sleep. I realized pretty fast (with […]

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education, for photographers, Personal

5 Things I Wish I Had Known From Day 1

When I made the transition out of the classroom and into running my photography business full time, I thought I was prepared for what was to come. As it turns out, I was completely wrong. Now just to clarify, I was certainly prepared for the nuts and bolts of this career shift. I had spent […]

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 From the Shop


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