I'm so thrilled to have Katelyn James join me on the podcast to talk about being an innovator in an industry of imitation.
If you hadn’t noticed already, I’m a huge fan of in-person events. From workshops to conferences to retreats, I truly believe each holds such importance in business education. In honor of hosting Next Level, my retreat for creative entrepreneurs, I’m sharing the value of investing specifically in retreats as a business owner! Mentioned in this […]
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had an influx of cash to support your business? There are funds set aside specifically for that in the creative economy and business opportunity space. In today’s episode, Danielle Desir Corbett joins us to share why creators should be applying to grants, what to include in your application, and […]
You may have noticed that this summer looked slightly different than my previous summers in business. I skipped my summer sabbatical. In today’s episode, I’m sharing why I opted for summer hours instead of a summer sabbatical and how you can decide which form of time of and rest is right for you! Mentioned in […]
Do you feel like email marketing just isn’t for you? Maybe it’s not working—no one is reading what you have to write or you just don’t know how to stand out. In today’s episode Zafira Rajan joins us to share how you can craft emails that people want to read and infuse who you are […]
Are you struggling to sell out your in-person events? In today’s episode, I’m sharing advice on how I’ve found success in selling to my audience year after year and what I’ve done to pivot when past strategies didn’t work! Mentioned in this Episode: Membership 131: Stop Selling In DMs—And What To Do Instead With Sarah […]
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, I could use a lot more accountability and community in my business and life, Dennah Renee is here to help. While finding the right people is a huge piece of it, taking ownership and action in creating that community is up to you! Listen in as she shares how […]