Growth comes in many forms, one of which requires expanding your team. If you’re hesitant to build a team due to limiting beliefs, trust, or unrealistic fears, today’s episode is here to help you overcome that. Ashley Ebert of The Abundance Group joins us to share how you as an entrepreneur can step into the role of CEO while effectively and efficiently building your team.
Effectively Free Up Your Time with a Team
There is a huge misconception and fear that leadership takes hours and hours from your day, when in reality it can actually take hours and hours off your plate.
For example, inn Ashley’s wedding planning business, Simply Elegant, she has built a 25 hour training program. She has run 100+ planners through that SOP and training program. Rather than having to train each individual person, they each go through the training program on their own, ultimately saving her thousands of hours of individual training.
Once trained, those new hires can go do the job you hired them for, ultimately resulting in more revenue for your business. The longevity of the education and training of each individual lives on for the life of their role with you.
Finding Someone You Trust in Your Business
Another fear that entrepreneurs have is finding someone you can trust that will impress you rather than wasting your time on people who are going to fail in the position. The truth is, your hires have to earn your trust. You can expect to hire someone that is going to just get it every time.
You can’t just give someone the keys to the kingdom and let them run with it on day one. You have to equip your hire, understand their skillset, and know how you work together.
This approach can be really hard for some newer managers, ultimately resulting in micromanaging. The way around this is to trust, but verify. Trust that they understand the role, let them do their job, then verify after and correct where needed. Additionally, you could use the “see one, do one, teach one” approach where they watch you, you watch them, then they do it freely. This builds trust both ways.
Team building and trust comes with intention.
Where to Start with Hiring & Delegating
The unique and powerful thing that entrepreneurs have is vision. Most of us are driven to make our dreams a reality, yet we get caught up in the everyday of owning a business. Most of us aren’t meant for those mundane tasks and are effected by the negative energy they bring to us.
Consider what tasks bog you down and take away your creativity and vision. Beyond the tasks you love and don’t love, what’s crushing you that you just simply shouldn’t do anymore? Take those off your plate and find an expert to handle it for you.
Humanize the Role
The unconventional wisdom around hiring comes down to humanizing the role. Imagine building a role that has a lot of different tasks that you don’t want to do, yet they don’t align to fit one person (imagine social media content creator and taxes management).
While the ideal may seem to be hiring a unicorn that can do it all, consider what happens when they leave? Instead, hire two individuals: one to do the logic role and one to do the creative role. You don’t want to spend money on someone who isn’t good at the work just because you only want to manage one person.
When you humanize the roles, you go beyond the tasks at hand and understand that the role has to fit a person—who are you looking to hire and are they a good fit. It’s not twice the work to be a leader to two people.
Encouragement for New Leaders
Leadership is a learned skill. People are not born as great leaders. Leaders are constantly growing as a leader.
Unpopular Opinion
Ashley believes that the fear around teams is completely fictitious—you’re bolting yourself to the ground with this limiting belief.
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